Take this Love quiz and find out if that guy you like
Should break up with his girlfriend and date you instead
Are you friends with the guy you like?
Only in my imaginary world.
We talk once and awhile.
He's in my circle of friends.
Ever since we met, we've gotten to know each other better and better.
We're best friends.
Do you know his girlfriend?
Yes, she's my sister or best friend.
Yes, we're aquatinted through mutual friends.
No, but he talks about her constantly.
No, he rarely mentions her.
How do you and your crush relate to one another?
We don't ever speak.
He teases me constantly.
He only talks to me about his girlfriend.
We talk about anything and everything, including our families and our futures.
We're friendly with each other.
Have you ever thought that maybe this guy is interested in you?
Yes. When we first met, I felt an immediate connection.
Yes. Whenever we're at parties, he can barely keep his hands off me.
Possibly. Sometimes I think I see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
Maybe. He says 'hi' when we run into each other outside of work/school.
He doesn't even know I exist
How do you think his girlfriend feels about you?
We're good friends; she likes me.
I'm sure she can't stand me, since her boyfriend seems to me more concerned about spending time with me than with her sometimes.
I'm sure she doesn't think one way or the other about me.
She doesn't know me.
Have you and your crush ever spent time alone together?
What's the nicest thing this guy ever said to you?
You're hot.
You're beautiful.
You're funny/smart/interesting.
He's never really complimented me.
He doesn't talk to me.
How much do you like this guy?
He's amazing. I've never met anyone like him, and could possibly see myself marrying him.
I've liked him for a long time.
I have a major, mind-blowing crush on him.
I have a slight crush on him.
I don't like him that much, but I like trying to break people up, so that I feel powerful.
If he and his girlfriend broke up, how would you react?
I'd remain friends with him
I'd ask him out.
I wouldn't like him anymore, because there would no longer be a challenge.
I'd call him up immediately and confess my undying love for him.
I'd flirt with him more.
How would you relate his relationship with his girlfriend?
He's told me he could see marrying her someday.
They seem to be pretty close and are together all the time.
She seems totally into him, but he seems kind of distant.
They have a casual relationship.
They both flirt constantly with other people.
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Should that guy you like break up with his girlfriend and date you instead
I'm %%personality%%
But I'm also %%personality%%