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Is it time to break up with him?


Take This Love Quiz and fin if you Should You Break Up, Or Stay Together with your lover

Do they make you happy? ?? ??
Not really
Yes! They are the reason for my happiness
I guess / I'm not sure



Do they get excited when you talk to them/ text them/ see them?

They HATE it when ever I see/talk to them!
Yea! Isn't that what is supposed to happen? (Yes)
YEA! They totally get freaked out in excitement when ever we see/ talk to each other!



If you say "I love you!" How do they respond?
I love you too!?
They don't reply/They don't say I love you back
I love you too



What is the long time you guys have gone without talking/ seeing each other??? ?? (if it's long distance just say when you last skyped/chatted)
One minute/One hour
A week
Never have we gone without each other
One to Two days
A year



Have they changed a lot now then when you guys just started dating?
Not really, they changed any like some bad habits but nothing major
they changed a little
They are basically a whole new person!
No, They act like to same old person I first met



Do they still love you the same?

they like me very little
They seem a little less interested...
Yes! They actually seem to like me more!
Yea! Nothing has changed..



Do they put effort into your relationship?
Yes, they do
Yea! Of course they do! They love me I guess??
No not really



If you were to ask them " I think we should break up" they would respond..
Please, we can fix this!
"FINE" But you're doing yourself a big mistake in losing me!
They wouldn't care.. They would be like "Bia!????"
Ok..I understand but can we still be friends



Who has to usually start the conversation, make plans, or start texting/ chatting first?
I don't notice a pattern in between us
It's a balanced relationship?
It's no one!
It's usually me sometimes it's them
always me



Would you be willing to risk you life for them ?
Heck no! I ain't risking my life! I got years to go!
I would for them but I'm not sure if they would do it for me
YES! And they would do the same for me
They would do it for me but I'm not sure if I would do it for them
We both probably wouldn't



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Should You Break Up, Or Stay Together?

I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



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